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Judiciary Technical Advisor Scoops Professor Role at Pepperdine University
The Judiciary Technical Advisor, Mr Andrew Khaukha (L), Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo(Director of the Office of Directorate of Public Prosecutions)

The Judiciary Technical Advisor, Mr Andrew Khaukha was on Wednesday June 29, 2022 appointed an Associate Professor at Pepperdine University, California. This was announced during the Pepperdine/Uganda Leadership Mentoring Conference 2022 which was presided over by the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo at Sheraton Hotel Kampala. 

While announcing Mr Khaukha's admission to the Pepperdine University School of Law Faculty, Prof Danny DeWalt, the University's Vice President, attributed the award not only to his contribution to the justice system of Uganda but also to his technical support for the success of the plea bargaining initiative in the country, and hisliaison role between the Ugandan Judiciary and the University.   

"I know him to be a man of the highest character, highest integrity and a man who embodies servant leadership, I cannot think of a man more deserving of joining the faculty of Pepperdine Law School," Mr DeWalt said, adding, "He is now joining the professorship of Pepperdine University as one of the learned minds that will be teaching our students." 

Mr Khaukha thanked the Judiciary administration for affording him the platform that has enabled him to attain the milestone. "My Lord (Chief Justice) I want to thank you with the Judiciary leadership for giving me a platform to serve, without this platform the ceremony that has been performed a few minutes ago would not have happened." 

Adding, "I commit to continue to serve for the betterment of Uganda, and to promote the relationship between Pepperdine and the Judiciary and other justice, law and order actors."

In a special way, he also appreciated the Principal Judge and the Director of Public Prosecutions who was the first Plea Bargain Focal Judge, for their role and support towards the plea bargain programme which has contributed to his achievement. He further thanked his wife, Hon. Lady Justice Alice Komuhangi, who he said behind all the success story has been on his side.

Posted 29th, June 2022
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